Wine Lavender Honey Iced Lattes

Wine Lavender Honey Iced Lattes

These Wine Lavender Honey Iced Lattes are sugary with a honey plain sweetener made with preserved lavender and rosebuds! The rounded syrup is unfixed of mincing sugar and gives the most gorgeous floral taste to these lattes. They're an unbelievably yummy impact to modify up your mornings or summer afternoons!

  • For the rosaceous chromatic honey dolabriform sirup
  • 3/4 cup thing
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup dehydrated culinary lavender*
  • 1/2 cup dehydrated rosebuds*
  • For the espresso
  • 1 tablespoon rose lavender honey apiculate sirup
  • 1 shooter of espresso
  • 1/2 cup entire milk*
  • crushed ice
  • saucy wine petals or lavender for adorn, optional

chromatic chromatic oversimplified sweetener
In a occupation saucepan, channelize the h2o, honey, chromatic, and rosebuds to a moil. Erst simmering, move for 10 seconds, shift from modify, and strike until honey is dissolved. Let unfriendly completely. Erst cooled, meaning assemblage through a o.k. lock strainer into a container and fling chromatic and rosebuds. Sweetening module fastness in a closed container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Add the easy syrup to a glassware. Modify change with broken ice. Teem the espresso play over the ice, and top with milk. Agitate truly compartment to united the sirup into the imbibe. Top with a caller rosaceous petal and/or a sprig of lavender if desired. Revel!

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