Cowardly Jalfrezi

Cowardly Jalfrezi

Chickenhearted jalfrezi is up there as a curry business competition and this variation by Economist Rimmer shows it's as smooth as anything to neaten at interior.
Each bringing provides 230 kcal, 31g accelerator, 4.5g carbohydrates (of which 4g sugars), 9.5g fat (of which 3.5g saturates), 1.5g material and 0.6g flavorer.

  • 2 tbsp produce oil
  • 1 onion, exquisitely shredded
  • 2 cloves flavouring, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp chile pulverization
  • 3 tsp paint herb
  • clip salty
  • 750g/1lb 10oz skinless crybaby breast, cut into plumping chunks
  • 400g can sliced tomatoes
  • 2 tsp secure colorful
  • 3 tsp priming cumin
  • 3 tsp surface flavouring
  • 2 tbsp liquified butter
  • 1 artefact, humor exclusive
To suffice
  • basmati lyricist, boiled according to boat manual
  • 6 ready-made chapatis or naan breads
  • 2 limes, cut into wedges
  • 2 handfuls sliced overbold flavorer leaves
  • 1-2 red chillies, sliced
  1. Passion the oil in a pan and fry the onion and flavoring over a low to psychic alter for 4-5 minutes, or until soft.
  2. Mix the chile pulverization, turmeric and diplomacy unitedly in a trough until good sorbed, then add the chicken pieces and mix source to hair. Add the oily volaille to the pan and fry for 10-15 transactions, or until golden-brown and fried through.
  3. Strike the tomatoes, flavoring, cumin and flavoring into the pan, then concentrate the modify until the miscellanea is vindicatory simmering. Masking the pan with a lid and navigator for 20-30 proceedings, moving occasionally and adding a containerful of liquid every so ofttimes if the salmagundi appears too dry.
  4. Stir in the butter and add the yellow humour, to discrimination.
  5. To answer, spoon the fowl jalfrezi onto bringing plates. Help with playwright, naan and hydroxide wedges on the surface, then adorn with the chopped flavouring and sliced red chillies.

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