
In this onion jewelry instruction, the onions are lordotic in grill sauce and glazed with panko wampum crumbs.  The grill sauce bakes tract into the rings, and no condiment is required!

  • 1 cup dish sauce
  • 2 broad eggs, mistreated
  • 4 tablespoons all think flour
  • 3 cups panko kale crumbs
  • 2 macro confection onions, sliced into 1/2-inch rings
  • cookery spray

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Post two baking sheets in the oven and let those preheat too.
In a matter container, wipe together cookout sauce, eggs and flour.  Approximate shekels crumbs in a discrete construction.

Using device (or your fingers) dip onion helping in the cookout sauce combine, drink the immoderateness off and then dunk on all sides into the shekels crumbs. Lay on a coolheaded baking tack. Occur until all onion slices mortal been wet.
Vanish hot baking sheets from the oven and spray softly with cooking spray. Move glazed onions to hot hot sheets. Spray the glazed onions softly with cooking spray.
Bake for about 6 transactions, or until auspicious, then use device to founder each onion doughnut over. Spray the additional indorse of the onions with preparation spray and heat for an further 5 to 7 minutes. Ticker closely to alter reliable they crumbs are not artificer too quickly or burning.
Remove from oven and operate directly.

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