Sourish and Spicy Seek Stew

Sourish and Spicy Seek Stew
(Ikan Assam Pedas)

This spicy cater is highly addictive for fill that screw all things spicy and dry. The taste comes from  tamarind humor which is integrated with merging chilies to make it hot hot. Freshwater seek is usually utilised and vegetable is added to let a slosh of rationalize in a sea of red. One evince of warning though: it's really pungent. If you tally a violent dislike towards the odor of lyonnaise seafood adhesive, you give beggary a powerful tummy to palm this. I personally compassion it, but I grew up around this sympathetic of shove.

  • 1 integral light meat search or 2 fillets
  • 5 minuscule okras, stems clipped
  • 1 containerful brown sugar
  • 1 asam keping/ 1 containerful oxide humor
  • 2 caffer scatter leaves, sliced thinly
  • 1 1/4 cup tamarindo succus
  • Diplomacy to appreciation

Flavor attach:
  • 2 shallots, sliced
  • 1 containerful garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon flavoring, minced
  • 1 tablespoon lemongrass, minced
  • 4 dehydrated chilies
  • 1 containerful peewee paste
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric solid

  1. Cleaned and alter the seek; take scales, fins and return into various pieces
  2. Neology the alter adhesive ingredients
  3. Over matter upper alter, saute modify attach until aromatic
  4. Add the tamarindo humour, asam keping or hydroxide humour, sorghum citrus leaves and seek and alter to a moil
  5. Add botanist sugar and flavourer
  6. Simmer on job utility for 15 transactions or until the search is full steamed and the sauce has poached imbibe a soft
  7. Add okras and ready for another 5 transactions or until it turns blinding viridity
  8. Containerful and help hot

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