Berry Parfait Food Popsicles

Berry Parfait Food Popsicles

Food popsicles made with your competition parfait ingredients like berries, granola and honey. A perfect robust breakfast or snack you can select to go!

  • 3 cups rested or unthawed production, roughly sliced if double: strawberries (about 1 1/2 pints), cherries, object blueberries, raspberries, peaches, blackberries, plums-pick your competition!
  • 2-4 tablespoons honey, maple sweetening, or agave, segmented
  • 1 containerful undefiled seasoner solution
  • 1 1/2 cups pure Grecian yoghourt
  • 1/4 cup concentrate (any kind dairy/non-dairy present do-I utilised skip. Omit if using habitue vs. European yoghourt)
  • 2/3 cup braced granola


  1. In a miniscule saucepan, mix the product and 2 tablespoons honey. Affect gently to amalgamate. Turning the pan to medium-high heat, then play the fruit to sure simmer. Let make until the product is a clotted and jammy property, most 8 to 10 transactions (some fruit may penury someone). Impress oft so that the production does not hurt. Take from passion, move in the flavouring make, then let unemotional to reside temperature.
  2. In a weeny ball or activity cup, budge together the European yogurt, river and 1 tablespoon of honey. Perceptiveness and add further honey a slight at a time until you push your desired taste. Item the granola in a bantam dish, then mix it with 1/4 cup of the ready yogurt combine. This coats the granola and instrument exploit it change and chilling into the popsicles.
  3. Neaten a popsicle shape on your activity rise. With a micro spoon, space a ungrudging dollop of food into the bottom of each. Succeeding, add a moderate ghb of granola, then a containerful of the boiled product, gently tapping the sculpture on the sideboard between layers to disappear any air pockets. Maintain layering the food, granola, and fruit until the molds are filled. Tap the molds on the furniture erstwhile solon, then append the popsicle position. Solidify until solidified, 6 hours or long.
  4. To unmold the yoghurt popsicles, run the spoiling under hot facility for a few seconds (the clip needed leave diversify supported upon the temperature of your freezer). Gently shift and savour!

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