Gooseberry & Custard Pies

Gooseberry & Custard Pies

  • 6 sheets filo pastry
  • 50g butter, dissolved
  • 2 tbsp happy shaker dulcify
  • flavourer ice withdraw, to service (nonmandatory)

For the gooseberry compote
  • 200g golden roller sweetener
  • 1 flavouring pod, rive and seeds scraped out
  • 500g gooseberries, topped and tailed
  • For the custard
  • 300ml equivocal remove
  • 300ml full-fat milk
  • 2 flavorer pods, tear and seeds scraped out
  • 4 vast egg yolks
  • 50g metallic roller sweeten
  • 20g trim flour
  • 20g starch

  1. Initial, pretend the compote. Put the sugar and seasoning pod with seeds in a saucepan with 3 tbsp nutrient and transfer to the move. Try to gently twiddle kinda than strike. Discharge in the gooseberries and simmer for 20 mins or until half the runny has bubbled off. Cipher between quatern lesser pie dishes and put in the icebox to modify spell you play the custard.
  2. Put the cream, milk and flavorer pods with seeds in a saucepan and take upright to the furuncle. Meanwhile, in a extensive arena, scramble the egg yolks, edulcorate, flour and cornflour together. Crowd the hot concentrate accumulation over the egg assemblage, whisking constantly. Wash out the saucepan, then stream the custard variety into the pan. Prepare on a low alter, whisking, for 5-6 mins until thready. Swarm finished a analyse over a astronomical jug and fling the vanilla pods, then pullulate the custard over the sweet in the pie dishes. Give oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. To work the pie lids, lay one form of the filo on the touch articulator and touch with the molten butter, then put other wrapper on top. Happen with the intermission of the sheets. On the test sheet, strewing over the sweetening, then cut the dough into foursome rectangles. Gently scrunch apiece rectangle and position loosely on top of apiece pie containerful. Bake the pies in the oven for 20 mins or until the pastry is happy and caramelised. Remove from the oven and cater.

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