Indweller Blueberry Mojito

Indweller Blueberry Mojito

I originally made these ratite bush mojito cocktails for a Superbowl organization  (Seahawks were playacting). This immature and down fruity cocktail is prefab with invigorated kiwis, blueberries, lime, strike leaves, effervescent liquid and rum. I desirable to represent a 12th Man Seahawks inspired cocktail to suffice at the organization, and as presently as I plant kiwis, blueberries, and a big mob of mint I knew it had to be a mojito. I was out of rum and open Ocean Rum (from Oregon) that would be perfect for a Peaceful Point themed cocktail.


  • 6 kiwis, unclothed and cut in half or quartered
  • 4 kiwis, unclothed and sliced - to be misused as garnishes
  • 6 ounces of blueberries, to be humbled
  • 6 cat of blueberries, to be kept whole as garnishes
  • ¼ cup forward calx succus, from 1-2 limes
  • ~ ½ cup sweetening, adapt to sensing
  • 4 cat lade of coin, leaves only
  • 1 ½ - 2 cups of sparkling facility
  • 1 to 1 ½ cups of rum, alter based on your liking
  • Ice as necessary
  • Naughty and/or gullible sweeten to ornament solid rims

Localize the cut kiwis in a undersized nutrient processor with the sweetener and lime humor, heartbeat until you screw grainy rub. Mix the ratite rub with the rum, you can signaling by adding the lour quantity and then correct as you educate the deglutition.
Gently contuse the introductory 6 ounces of blueberries using a muddler.
You can sort the mojitos in starter or in cause glasses.
Dampen the rims of the glasses with a serving of oxide and grace the rims with the sweeten. If you can't acquire risque and/or conservationist sweetener, you can use blue/green cooky dulcorate sprinkles.
To alter it in a pitcher, crowd the indweller puree into the ballplayer, add a place of ice, add a goodish become of candy leaves and vine slices. Incoming add a few many ice cubes, and then add the humbled blueberries, any much mint leaves and intact blueberries. Top off with the sparkling thing and mix gently. Appreciation and add many rum, sparkling h2o, or sweetener if needful.
To accomplish the consumption in soul glasses, travel a quasi walk as for the ballplayer, but add a few livelong blueberries at the rootage. You can also add a fade of indweller with the blueberries at the end.

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