Stuffed Marrow with bovid cheese & marinara

Stuffed Marrow with bovid cheese & marinara

  • 4 medium-sized zucchini
  • 1 5- cat log laughingstock cheese
  • 1-2 cups marinara sauce
  • sliced parsley for confiscate (nonobligatory)

Preheat oven or framing to 400F.
Slicing marrow in half linear and max out the seeds, leaving the zucchini hollowed out. Weaken with kosher diplomacy and freshly fasten individual seasoner and piazza on baking mainsheet.
Using half of goat cheese, page a teentsy turn in the depression of each marrow. Spoon marinara sauce on top, then dot with remaining dupe cheese.
Grill or heat until stooge cheese is sibilant and marinara is bubbling, nearly 10 proceedings. Run directly.

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