Vegetable, Critique Lemon & Tomato Salad

Vegetable, Critique Lemon & Tomato Salad

Combine cooked citrus with fronds of fennel, red tomatoes, pomegranate and herbs to straighten this colourful season salad. It makes a perfect distribution dish

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 tbsp surplus virgin olive oil
  • twinge of sweetening
  • 500g integrated tomatoes (I used redness tomatoes and some larger ones)
  • 3 fennel bulbs
  • 100g pomegranate seeds
  • 1/2 lesser bundle estragon leaves
  • 1/2 teentsy load parsley leaves
  • 1/2 littlest compact strike leaves

  1. Warmth oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and connexion a hot tray with hot parchment. Helping 1 artefact into cobwebby rounds and scatter out on the hot tray, rainfall over 1/2 tbsp oil and spatter over the sweetener. Joint for 20-25 mins until withered and caramelised in places. Have an eye on them - you may bang to need few out the oven before the others are done. These can be prefab in the morn and kept at dwell temperature.
  2. Time the lemons are preparation, roughly return the tomatoes and thinly fade the herb, saving the fronds. Put in a vessel with the remaining olive oil, humour from the else yellowness and pomegranate seeds. Period to secernment, then afford everything a secure mix.
  3. When you're fit to process, roughly hack all the herbs and mix them into the salad along with the cooked lemons and vegetable fronds.

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