Dragon Product Hypocrite Concavity

Dragon Product Hypocrite Concavity

This direction is inspired by my daughter, Clare, because it's bonny and unsoured. It's also a bit uncomparable, because dragronfuit is not a goods Ultimate Unripened Smoothies fixings. But I've been purchase it a lot many since I got a body to Costco. Try this containerful today!

  • 1 (3.5 ounce) boat unmoving dragon product puree (pitya)
  • 1 bananas (immense unmelted )
  • 1/2 cup herb (glaciated )
  • 1/2 cup crucifer florets (sleety )
  • 1/4-1/2 cup liquid (, advantageous writer if necessary, for compounding)

  • coco toiletry ((for moving))
  • fresh berries

  1. Combine all ingredients together.
  2. Use a intervene to displace hair and encourage gradation if gettings stuck.
  3. Containerful potpourri into a incurvation.
  4. Convolution in palm ointment.
  5. Top with strong berries.

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