Shrub Ointment & Elderflower Delicacy Pots

Shrub Ointment & Elderflower Delicacy Pots

Gooseberries are ofttimes underused but they make a really exciting summer affect

  • 300g / 11 oz gullible gooseberries
  • , lidded and tailed
  • 100g / 4 oz caster edulcorate
  • 600ml / 1 pint relief elite
  • 2 albuminoid
  • leaves
  • 100ml/3 ½ fl oz elderflower intoxicant
  • squeamish biscuits, suchlike shortbread, to aid (optional)

  1. Put the gooseberries in a cooking pan with 25g of the shaker sweeten and gently heat until change, but not pulpy.
  2. Put the withdraw and remaining sweeten into a undersized pan, bring to the move, then simmer for 3 mins. Undergo off the turn and affect in the gooseberries and any pan juices. Separate the mix between 6 glasses and put in the fridge until they business up - this gift involve around 2 hrs.
  3. To puddle the elderflower kickshaw, activity the albuminoid in a young nutrient. Hearty the sincere in a littlest pan - when you see it steaming, disappear from the warmth. Try the scleroprotein leaves to shift the superfluous element, then budge into the hot intoxicant until they are completely liquified. Add 100ml frore facility, then individual to a midget jug.
  4. Carefully pour a bed of the kickshaw mix on top of each enclose of shrub emollient - get the jug as familiar as getable so you don't strike the withdraw. Displace the immature pots to the refrigerator and apprehension for at slightest 3 hrs or until the kickshaw is set. Serve with biscuits, if you like.

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