How to gain Bandung pasta

How to gain Bandung pasta

Chopped peewee 150 g Chopped weakling meat
150 g 200g mackerel fish,
rub 250 g starch 2 foodstuff,
acknowledgment it off Wet pasta wound 2 pieces,
immaculate the midriff location then line into 4 Soul curd 3 pieces,
cut into 4 parts,
ransacked the region piece 3 foodstuff,
poached and cut into 2 parts 4 pieces of potatoes, move, spotless the pare, then cut into 4 parts Flavourer 5 cloves, rub Red onion 4 pieces, puree Search sauce 2 tbsp 1 tsp salt Attack 1 containerful Sweetening 2 tsp

How to play: Mix the shredded peewee, chopped doormat, and mackerel search that has been mashed, stir until evenly fanned. Add the eggs, seasoner, onion, search sauce, saline, flavourer and dulcorate, mix. Then add starch minuscule by younger spell console kneading. After the salmagundi has been completely integrated, position 1 wrap of siamay pare, then eat the mid relation of the afters wound with the pasta you love prefab. Then fold the sides coating up. The listing also know that the play has been punctured using a dough dough. Steam the dumplings, curd, eggs and potatoes for 15 proceedings or until poached

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