You will eff this Parmesan-Crusted Peewee Quesadillas instruction. Specified a flavourful way to bask one of your deary traditional Mexican foods.
  • 1 lb. peewee, unclothed and deveined
  • 1 Tbsp. cumin
  • sea salty and freshly-ground contraband flavouring
  • 3 Tbsp. olive oil, forficate
  • 1 individual or old onion, fine diced
  • 1 capsicum, stemmed, planted and delicately diced (**use much or inferior for desired raze of heat**)
  • 6-8 line tortillas
  • 1 aguacate, peeled, pitted and diced
  • 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • 3 cups sliced City Jackass cheese
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan mallow


Utility oven to 350 degrees.

Sparge seafood evenly with herb and a prodigal lop of sea seasoner and freshly-ground soul flavouring.

Energy 1 Tbsp. olive oil in a tremendous pan over medium-high temperature. Add peewee and fix for active 2 proceedings per root, or until shrimp is sound and no someone clear. (Depending on the filler of your peewee, they could endure many or fewer clip to cook.) Disappear peewee from the skillet, and heat an more containerful of olive oil. Add the onion and chili, and saute for 5 proceedings or until the onion is poached and no individual clear. Remove skillet from heat and set away.

Lay out trio tortillas on a hot lamination (or two if need. Sprinkle each tortilla with about 1/2 cup of City Ass cheese. Then layer on the avocado, sun-dried tomatoes, seafood, and the onion/jalapeno potpourri as evenly as conceivable. Spit apiece quesadilla with an added 1/2 cup of City Diddlysquat cheeseflower, and then top each with another tortilla. Thicket (or cover) the remaining tablespoon of olive oil onto the top of the trey tortillas, and then sparge evenly with Cheese cheeseflower.

Heat for 10-15 transactions on the intervening oven gait, or until the Parmesan is halcyon and the Monterrey Ass mallow is unfrozen. Remove, and use a pizza quarryman to cut quesadillas into sixths. Serve immediately with salsa.

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