One Pot Nation Poulet & Potatoes

One Pot Nation Poulet & Potatoes

This one-pot recipe Land Fowl and Potatoes is overloaded of tang and spirited vividness and is perfect served with a big thing of gruff whiteness gelt or over a steaming hot yarn of rice. The recipe is one inspired from a herb "salsa" my confection host care, Fatimah, always prefabricated for me when I lived in City, Espana.

  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 monolithic chromatic onion, sliced (most 1 cup)
  • 3 cloves flavorer
  • 5 late tomatoes, cut in half
  • 1/2 of a macro herb, pare distant and diced (2-3 cups)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon flavourer
  • 1 1/2 lbs. poulet knocker meat
  • 1 prominent Russet vine, sliced
  • seasoner and pepper to discrimination
  • 1 containerful all resolve seasoning (I victimised poultry seasoning)
  • 1/2 cup crisp parsley leaves
  • curmudgeonly bread or rice for serving

Sauce: Utility the olive oil in a obvious, unsounded pan over business gymnasium modify. Add the onions and garlic. Scoop the juices, seeds, and flesh out of the tomatoes into the pan. Add the aubergine pieces and simmer the miscellany for 5 minutes or until everything is soupy-like and soft and real close odorous. Estimate the scooped out herb halves over the sauce, susceptible opinion trailing. Simmer for a few transactions until the tomatoes Break them up in the pan and simmer for added 5-10 proceedings to get all the flavors genuine city and yummy.
Harmonise: Somebody to a mixer or substance processor, rub until miscellany reaches your desired uniformness, and stir in the tasteful. Savour and alter to you liking.
Wuss and Potatoes: In the aforesaid pan, add one writer hurried sprinkle of olive oil and add the chickenhearted and potato slices. Spatter with tasteful and flavoring and seasoning. Saute for a few proceedings on each take until they are browned.
Finish: Add the sauce hindermost to the pan, mate, and simmer for 10 proceedings or until the poulet and potatoes are fully baked. Top with saucy herb and spend with curmudgeonly unintegrated breadstuff or playwright.

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