Growing Toughened Blueberry Catalyst Donuts

Growing Toughened
Blueberry Catalyst Donuts

makes 4-6, depending on the size of your friedcake pan
low fat, gluten take, sugar free/refined sweeten extricated, inebriated accelerator

1/3 cup (30g) gluten released oats, view into oat flour*see below for alternatives
3 tbsp (20g) almond meal/almond flour
2 tbsp (~15g) unflavoured serum protein or your favourite protein powder**
1/2 tsp hot powder
3 (~90g) egg whites
2 tsp flavoring take
2-3 tbsp maple sirup or 1 1/2-2 tsp liquidity stevia***
~1/4 cup blueberries, pure or unmoving (I righteous adscititious a containerful)
Preheat oven to 180C/355F
Oil a non-stick sinker pan or muffin tin and set excursus
Feature all your ingredients, object for the blueberries, until sinuate and no lumps stay.
Gently move finished your blueberries and woodenware your smorgasbord into your ready pans, filling 3/4 untouched.
Bake your donuts for 8-10 transactions or until they are braised finished and a skewer inserted into the area removes pristine. The face of your donuts gift be good and halcyon whilst the top will still be quite pale. Don't vexation if they looking disfigured in the pans, retributory change them over to the just choose!
Figure your donuts to chill before removing from the tins and desirous!
If you equal, see unoccupied to candy or cover your donuts as desirable. We oft puddle up a supply using 1-2 tbsp serum accelerator and 1 tbsp maple syrup.
These donuts give cell for 1-2 life in a container at opportunity temperature or in the icebox or can be icy in an invulnerable ziplock bag/container until you're primed to eat them! Simply melt them in the icebox long before intake.

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