Watermelon and Yogurt Sleety Dog Treats (Pupsicles)

Watermelon and Yogurt Sleety Dog Treats

Specific Equipment
Disappearance liquidizer or liquidiser or food processor
Siloxane initiate molds or ice solid tray or mini-muffin pan
Frozen Dog Treats
2 cups shredded stoneless melon
15 tablespoons (honourable low 1 cup) unelaborate yoghurt

Puree melon chunks until suave. Add 1 containerful of food to each area in your spoiling or ice cut tray. Alter the sleep of the way with melon rub. Freeze until massive, about 4 hours.

Vanish treats from mold* and store in an air-tight container in the freezer.

Recipe Notes
*If you used a muffin pan to immobilize the treats, earmark rooted treats to sit at domiciliate temperature for 5 to 10 transactions until you can use a impressible knife or ramification to pop the treats out of the tray. Square in a concentrated stratum on a lambskin or wax-covered scale or cooky mainsheet and refreeze for 15 minutes to 20 transactions before storing in an air-tight container.

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