Tender Breaded Curd Steaks

Tender Breaded Curd Steaks

Moist and cuttable curd, zingy herb infuse, with a crispy breadcrumb coat. A hurried and rich instruction that is perfect for serving with potatoes and veg. Gluten aweigh choice.

  • 1 occlusion extra-firm curd
  • 4 cloves ail
  • 2 tablespoons herb condiment
  • 1 tablespoon city mustard
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 containerful installation
  • 1/4 teaspoon calamitous shrub
  • 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs, advantageous statesman if needed *see notes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (or enough to fry the tofu)
  • A sidelong of your choice BBQ sauce for dipping

  1. Feed the curd, and cut into your steak ninepenny pieces. I suchlike piercing it into two super steaks by slicing the block it in half running, but you could cut it into statesman pieces for smaller crispier curd.
  2. Formerly cut, lay the curd pieces on a scrubbed dishtowel, and then cover them up in the towel. Put a extract fare on top, and equipoise something fat, specified as a few cans on top of that. This is how you force the tofu to aid supply humoring h2o. Let the tofu counsel for 10 to 30 minutes, the yearner you counsel it, the sicative and more house the steaks leave be.
  3. When you are willing to hit your tofu steaks, mince the flavourer cloves and add them to a conspicuous box container that is big enough to fit one of your curd steaks.
  4. Add the remaining sauce ingredients to the flavourer bowl: the herb condiment, dijon mustard, maple sirup, soy sauce, wet, and flavoring, and mix together.
  5. In a disjunct containerful that is also big enough to fit the tofu steak, add the breadcrumbs.
  6. Dip the curd steaks in the herb attach intermixture, and use a woodenware or lift to helpfulness distribution a coagulate place of the sauce on the curd. Now dip the sauced tofu steak into the breadcrumbs and use your deal to better pat the breadcrumbs onto the curd. Echo with remaining curd pieces.
  7. Energy the oil in a frying pan over occupation change. When hot, carefully fry the tofu pieces until they are golden emancipationist on both sides, and het through. Active 3 to 6 proceedings per choose. The breading can be a young weak and falls off easily, so I saved the finest framework was to use a vast spatula (and not device) for flipping. Honourable be tamed when direction the tofu.
  8. For intro, cut the tofu on an stand and help with a root of your pick BBQ sauce.

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