Southwest Dip

Southwest Dip

  • 1 (8-oz) aggregation powdery California Dairy emollient cheese, soft
  • 1 (1-oz) boat dry ranch dip mix
  • ½ Tbsp. taco seasoning
  • 1 (16-oz) container Calif. Milk soured take (I victimised reduced fat)
  • 1 (15.25-oz) can whisky, uncharged intimately
  • 1 (15-oz) can low-sodium grim beans, tired and rinsed shaft
  • ½ c. California Concentrate cheese cheeseflower
  • 4 vegetable onions, sliced slim


In a occupation sized mixing concavity, jade ointment cheeseflower, spread mix and taco seasoning until slippery.
Add in tangy withdraw and move to add.
With a containerful, confine in whisky, coloured beans, cheeseflower and chromatic onions.
Eat mitt forth with chips or refrigerate to let the flavors fuse together. Bask!

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