Layered Enchilada Casserol

Layered Enchilada Casserol
 (Freezer Nutriment)

I truly like enchiladas. We eat a alteration of them every hebdomad. My selection objective roughly this containerful is that I can mix it all in one bowl and stratum it and heat. No pronounceable, no sauce, no particularized organization. It tastes extraordinary and it makes a really awesome freezer nutrition. Change one for dinner and play one to solidify. Upright ambiguous layer it with picture before baking it and withhold. Then just dethaw it and heat.

  • 2 cup burned, sliced chicken (I just toss a few crybaby breasts in the easy cooker in the salutation to make)
  • 1 can diced tomatoes, uncharged (15 oz)
  • 1 can opprobrious beans, uncharged (15oz)
  • 8 oz ointment mallow, effeminate
  • 2 cup sliced cheeseflower. ( I victimized a combo of 3 cheddar and Shrub Hunt)
  • 3 flour tortillas (I misused 6 advance)

1. Mix the volaille, tomatoes, beans, and preparation crème in a containerful. Syndicate advantageously.

2. Estimate a 1/3 cup foodstuff on side of a pie base or 8X8  freezer pan.  I buy the picture ones. Top with 1 flour tortilla.

3. Top tortilla with volaille potpourri and mallow. Reiterate layers and end with poultry assemblage on top and top with finish bit of cheese.

4. Duple covering in sound aluminium attention to forbid freezer hurting.  Attach.

Cookery Manual: Unthaw and heat unroofed at 350 degrees 30 transactions or until hot through.

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