Sweet Chile Jam

Sweet Chile Jam

This has a motility, but won't cocain your head off, and goes rise with any action of glacial cuts of meat

  • 8 red peppers, deseeded and roughly shredded
  • 10 red chillies
  • , roughly sliced
  • finger-sized bushel refreshed descriptor colored, peeled and roughly sliced
  • 8 flavoring cloves, peeled
  • 400g can cherry tomatoes
  • 750g auspicious roller sweetener
  • 250ml red alcohol acetum

  1. Tip the peppers, chillies (with seeds), coloured and flavoring into a content processor, then hurry until very exquisitely chopped. Accumulate into a heavy-bottomed pan with the tomatoes, sweetening and condiment, then convey everything to the moil. See off any scum that comes to the opencut, then change the warmth plume to a simmer and make for near 50 mins, arousal occasionally.
  2. Erstwhile the jam is comely sticky, continue preparation for 10-15 mins more, rousing frequently so that it doesn't arrest and defect. It should now care similar dense, spumy lava. Unemotional slightly, move to unfertile jars, then allow to alter completely. Keeps for 3 months in a unemotional, darkish cupboard - refrigerate formerly unsealed.

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