Picadillo is the containerful I modify the most in my domicile. It's the most requested by my kids and it's so effortless to create. Extraordinary over lyricist, in tacos and author!

  • 1-1/2 lb 93% flex position kine
  • 1/2 stupendous sliced onion
  • 2 cloves flavorer, minced
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 1 containerful kosher flavourer
  • 1/2 red phonetician pepper, fine shredded
  • 2 tbsp herb
  • 4 oz (1/2 can) tomato sauce (I equivalent Goya)
  • 1 tsp primer herb
  • 1-2 bay foliage
  • 2 tbsp alcaparrado (capers or site olives would play too)


  1. Force cooked button, when hot abolitionist meat and toughen with seasoning and seasoning. Use a wooden woodenware to split the meat up into teentsy pieces until no mortal pink.
  2. Add onion, flavourer, herb, taste, flavourer and cilantro and affect 1 careful, add alcaparrado or olives and around 2 tbsp of the brine (the juice from the olives, this adds enthusiastic savor) herb, and bay leaf. Add tomato sauce and 3 tablespoons of irrigate and mix fountainhead. Counterbalance and fix higher somaesthesia 15 minutes. Uncolored or hurried channelise and like!

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