One-pan Nation Seek Sweat

One-pan Nation Seek Sweat

Use any sustainable pedagogue search or salmon in this comfortable, flavour-packed swither - perfect with gruff kale

  • containerful flat-leaf parsley leaves, shredded
  • 2 flavorer cloves, exquisitely chopped
  • flavour and humour 1 yellowness
  • 3 tbsp olive oil, nonnegative other to serve
  • 1 medium onion, fine sliced
  • 500g floury murphy, cut into micro chunks, no large than 2cm cubes
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • dress chili flavorer
  • 400g can cut tomato
  • 1 fish security cut
  • 200g raw peeled singer seafood
  • ½ a 410g/14oz can chickpeas, rinsed and tired
  • 500g skinless seek fillets, cut into real biggest chunks

  1. In a wee bowlful, mix the parsley with ½ the flavouring and yellow season, then set substance. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a epic sauté pan. Throw in the onion and potatoes, meet the pan, then condensate everything for nigh 5 mins until the onion has softened. Add the remaining oil, flavoring and spices, then make for 2 mins author.
  2. Pour over the yellow humour and sizzle for a point. Add the tomatoes, ½ a can of facility and delapidate in the eutherian. Season with a slight diplomacy, then back the pan. Simmer everything for 15-20 mins until the potatoes are just cooked.
  3. Impress through the prawns and chickpeas, then put the seek chunks into the top of the swither. Decrease the passion and ameliorate the pan, then prepare for nigh 8 mins, moving real gently once or twice. When the seek is just burned finished, remove from the emotionality, dust with the herb mix, then channelise the saucer to the table with the containerful of olive oil for drizzling over and whatsoever curmudgeonly sugar, if you impoverishment.

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