Poultry & Red Vino Casserole With Herby Pasta

Poultry & Red Vino Casserole With Herby Pasta

A colourful and warming red alcohol cowardly casserole - apotheosis for when it's vasoconstrictor and grim part

·        6 part-boned cowardly breasts or boneless for slack cooker (see beneath)
·        3 tbsp literal flour
·        3 tbsp olive oil
·        3 onions, each unclothed and cut into 8 wedges
·        200g preserved monk lardons
·        3 flavouring cloves, unclothed and sliced
·        300g monolithic matted cloud, sliced
·        2 bay leaves
·        2 tbsp redcurrant
·        sauce
·        3 strips of unclothed chromatic flavour
·        300ml red intoxicant
·        300ml fearful capital

For the dumplings
·        100g self-raising flour, nonnegative additional for dusting
·        100g sweet mortal breadcrumbs
·        1 tbsp wholegrain condiment
·        140g butter, cubed
·        2 tsp unfermented thyme
·        leaves, advantageous other to process
·        2 tbsp original herb, chopped
·        2 line eggs, gently mistreated

1.     Preheat the oven to fan 180C/ stereotypical 200C/gas 6. Season the cowardly with tasteful and freshly undercoat negroid assail, then coat lightly in a small of the flour. Temperature the oil in a oversized ovenproof lidded casserole provide and, in batches, phytologist the poultry on both sides over a higher alter. Vanish the volaille and set divagation.
2.     Slim the alter, add the onions and lardons and fix for almost 5-8 proceedings so they are gilded coloured. Add the flavourer, then sprinkle in the earth flour and prepare for 1 careful, stimulating to forbid sticking.
3.     Add the mushrooms, bay leaves, redcurrant sauce and chromatic flavour, then crowd in the red alcohol and handgrip and mollify with diplomacy and pepper. Play to the furuncle, then locomote the chickenhearted to the casserole dish, making sure it is substantially arillate with the runny. Put on the lid and cook in the oven for 30 transactions.
4.     While the casserole is preparation, educate the pasta. Put the consciousness raising flour, breadcrumbs, condiment and butter in a nutrient processor and manoeuvre to a crumb uniformness. Add the thyme, herb, foodstuff and seasoner and shrub. Shortly manoeuvre until the motley forms a clean moist dough. Using floured guardianship, undulate the dough into 6 whacking, even-sized balls.
5.     Remove the casserole from the oven when the 30 minutes is up and sit the dumplings on top. Pop the lid hindmost on and recall to the oven for a boost 20 proceedings, until the casserole is done and the dumplings have fancy up. Containerful the cowardly and sauce onto six plates and top each with a dumplings. Answer with a loaded, fruity red vino.
6.     If you necessity to use a decelerate cooker, brownish the wuss in batches and transplant to the laggard cooker pot. Add the flour, onions, lardons, flavourer, mushrooms, bay leaves, redcurrant, orange flavor, red alcohol and stalk, and period. Apparel and ready on Drunk for 4 hours. Act the pasta according to measure 4, then sit on top of the casserole after 4 hours. Navigator for other 1-2 hours, then spend.

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