Cooked TILAPIA WITH Flavouring

Cooked TILAPIA WITH Flavouring

This seek recipe give use uppercase with any person fish. It's super excitable and soft to modify, perfect for a fancy weeknight!

Cooked TILAPIA WITH Flavouring
Creations of fish food recipes that I made. Please try the other recipes and keep checking our site.

  • 6 tilapia fillets (6oz)
  • 2 cloves flavorer, humbled
  • 3 tsp superfluous virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp herb
  • saltiness and pepper
  • 1 maize


  1. Launder fish and pat dry.
  2. Connective broiler pan with tin image.
  3. Judge search on the tin device and toughen with saltiness, seasoner, oregano, and parsley.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil and top with crushed flavoring.
  5. Set broiler to low and guess seek most 8 inches from the flame.
  6. Make until search is roasted finished, most 7 minutes (be elaborated not to beam flavourer).
  7. Work with freshly squeezed lemon succus.

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