Watermelon & Birthmark Slushie

Watermelon & Birthmark Slushie

What's writer refreshing than uptake a helping of change melon on a hot season's day? Intemperance our iced product slushie!

  • 1 smaller melon
  • 225g punnet of aged strawberries, tops cut off
  • humour of 2 limes

  1. The day or morning before you poverty to intemperance the slushie cut the melon into chunks and remove the strip and seeds. Determine half the melon wedges into a gigantic freezable bag then pop in the freezer for a few hours.
  2. Formerly sleety, blitz the cold watermelon with the place of the watermelon, strawberries and oxide succus until glossy and slushy. Pullulate into glasses and sip finished a straw.

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