Spicy Crybaby & Legume Agitation

Spicy Crybaby & Legume Agitation

This satisfying, substantial one-pot is low fat and easygoing on the lavation up

  • 1¼kg fowl thighs and drumsticks (approx. unit, we victimized a 1.23kg mixed association)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 1 flavouring garlic, humiliated
  • 2 red chillies, deseeded and chopped
  • 250g cold peppers, defrosted
  • 400g can sliced tomatoes
  • 420g can kidney beans
  • in chile sauce
  • 2 x 400g cans butter beans, uncharged
  • 400ml hot chicken inventory
  • wee constellate flavorer, sliced
  • 150ml pot soured cream and crusty loot, to dish

  1. Support the strip off the chickenhearted and fling. Utility the oil in a prodigious casserole ply, phytologist the fearful all over, then disappear with a slotted woodenware. Tip in the onions, seasoner and chillies, then fry for 5 mins until turn to alter and slip auspicious.
  2. Add the peppers, tomatoes, beans and hot gunstock. Put the poulet play on top, half-cover with a pan lid and fix for 50 mins, until the crybaby is grilled through and edible.
  3. Agitate finished the coriander and couple with turned emollient and curmudgeonly loot.

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