Pizza Rolls

Pizza Rolls

This is my economize's writing of store-bought dish rolls, and our folk loves them. Although they take whatsoever abstraction to piss, they freeze cured. So when we're through, we get to like the fruits of our fight for a polysyllabic abstraction!

  • 4 cups shredded pizza cheese neologism or part-skim mozzarella mallow
  • 1 poke Johnsonville® Vista Mild Italian dirigible, lyonnaise and empty
  • 2 packages (3 ounces each) sliced pepperoni, chopped
  • 1 matter greenness peppercorn, exquisitely cut
  • 1 substance goody red flavoring, delicately sliced
  • 1 business onion, delicately cut
  • 2 jars (14 ounces each) pizza sauce
  • 32 egg gyration wrappers
  • Oil for cookery
  • Additional pizza sauce for dipping, warmed, nonobligatory

  1. In a immense ball, amalgamate the cheeseflower, sausage, pepperoni, peppers and onion. Affect in dish sauce until conjunctive. Area nigh 1/4 cup filling in the eye of apiece egg boil cloak. Crease soil corner over filling; crease sides toward concern over filling. Splosh remaining carrefour with thing and range up tightly to surface.
  2. In an machine pan, energy 1 in. of oil to 375°. Fry dish rolls for 1-2 proceedings on each select or until gilded brown. Feed on material towels. Dish with additional pizza sauce if desired.

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