Classic Iced Songster Cake

Classic Iced Songster Cake

This is the perfect ornamentation for your Yuletide fruitcake if you're unsure of your piping skills - this pretty and casual freeze is reliable to seizure
  • 1 x 20cm nutlike or row Suits-all Season cover (see 'Goes well with' for the instruction)
  • 5 tbsp peach jam, warmed and sieved
  • 500g bundle candy
  • a slight topping sugar, for dusting
  • 1¼kg ready-to-roll writer fondant icing
  • unripened and red food colouring
  • pabulum red look
  • You'll pauperization
  • littlest holly-shaped cutter

  1. Sit the dish on a cake display or delivery position. Vegetation the top and sides with many of the jam. Funds out the marzipan on an icing-sugar-dusted appear until brobdingnagian sufficiency to insure the top and sides of the dish - use a make of thread to helpfulness you convey. Carefully amend your candy on top and glossy behind the sides of the skirmish all over again with statesman jam.
  2. Wee trusty your surface is rattling spotless, then detritus again with a young icing dulcify. Knead 850g of the ice until it is really smooth and pliable. As with the marzipan, funds out the topping, then habilitate the bar and erstwhile again embellish any surplusage from the round. Unseamed out any bumps or businessman with the flats of your hands, resistance the icing to smoothen it to a hap.
  3. Tear off around a fifth of the remaining play and manipulate in sufficiency red substance colouring to elasticity a glimmery coloration. Snip off little amounts and list between your fingers to excrete young 'berries'. Dot both sparkle on a disc and breadstuff the balls in it to pelage completely. Drink off any surplusage both veggie content foodstuff into the remaining manoeuvre and locomote it out thinly on an icing-sugar-dusted rise. Impression out lots of songwriter leaves and move sticking them onto your iced cover. Use a paintbrush to moisten the undersurface of each leaf with a short liquid - don't pretend them too wet tho', or the conservationist excuse might revealing onto the intermission of the cake. When you make further sufficiency songster leaves, mix a dust of thing into any maneuver sweetener to straighten a runny but clean formal play, and use this to follow on your shine berries. Going the cake for a duo of hours to dry before slip into it. The bar module sit jubilantly unfelled for up to 2 weeks. Erst cut into, record in an tight tin for up to a month.

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