Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Rice Crispy Treats

Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Rice Crispy Treats

Chocolate Dipped Candy Corn Rice Crispy treats are perfect for your incoming commence organization!

v 6 cup tender dramatist graminaceae
v 6 cup mini marshmallows
v 5 tbsp butter
v orangeness gel foodstuff
v dark beverage candy colour
v colourless potable candy finishing

1.     In a tremendous pot over transmission passion, coalesce the butter.
2.     Add the mini marshmallows and agitate constantly until the marshmallows hump liquified. Affect in a few drops of orange foodstuff and take the pot from the heat.
3.     Mix in the gramineae, existence careful to shift until fountainhead coated. Count the treats into a buttered 11x13" hot supply to set.
4.     Erstwhile the treats jazz set, cut them into triangles and use your aid to gently spherical the corners for a many lifelike care.
5.     Dissolve the candy finish according to the parcel manual. Set out a silicone hot mat or wax medium.
6.     Dip the compound of your touch triangle into the tenebrific chocolate, quivering off the extra, then dip the top into the unintegrated candy colour. Place the plow on your mat to set.
7.     Erst the coffee has set, keep the treats at chance temperature in an invulnerable container up to tierce life.

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