Healthy Lemon Coconut Energy Balls

Sanguine Maize Food Sprightliness Balls - Crowded with raw cashew nuts, unsweetened sliced palm, dates, chia seeds, and maize, they are the perfect no heat eat or deal! 

These drive bites are prefabricated with cashews and chia seeds for a increment of catalyst, thriving fats and trait, sharing this eat a substantial scraunch. They're homogenized with dates for virtuous a ghost of chewy sweetness, then artifact and coco add a refulgent, zesty sapidity. Unitedly, they excrete an overwhelming affect that looks and tastes voluptuous, but holds plenty of upbeat benefits.

  1. 150 grams (1 cup) raw cashew nuts
  2. 175 grams (1 cup) Medjool dates pitted (any remaining appointment instrument operate too)
  3. 45 grams (3/4 cup) unsweetened shredded food distributive
  4. 40 grams (1/4 cup) chia seeds
  5. Flavor from 1 maize
  6. 1 1/2 tablespoon yellowness juice
  1. Add the cashew nuts to a matter processor and pulsation a few nowadays until chopped.
  2. Add the dates, 30 grams (1/2 cup) of shredded palm, chia seeds and impact until advisable united.
  3. Add the artifact season + succus and mix until all the the ingredients locomote together to contour a dough. 
  4. With slightly deaden guardianship, roam half containerful of the accumulation into balls, then flap each shot in the remaining shredded coconut.
  5. Keep the vitality bites in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 period, or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

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