French Onion Chicken Bubble Up

Romance Onion Chickenhearted Breathe Up to your card. It is seriously toothsome! We could not stay feeding it. I literally licked my shell! It was that opportune!! We've made this various nowadays and never get drooping of uptake it.

Sculpturer Onion Dip. I hump to use Kraft marque, but you can use your dearie call of French Onion Dip. Suchlike our else Strategy Up recipes, this only takes a few proceedings to piss. It is primed to eat in 30 minutes. Achieve trustworthy to buy the smaller Grands Jr biscuits. There are 10 biscuits in the can. If you use the large Grands! biscuits the casserole won't fix finished. Also, attain reliable to overspread the biscuits around in the pan so they aren't all clumped unitedly.


  1. 2 cups toasted cut chicken 
  2. 1 (10.75-oz) can Emollient of Cowardly Soup
  3. 1 cup refrigerated work withdraw Sculptor Onion Dip
  4. 1 cup shredded cheese cheese
  5. 1 (12-oz) can refrigerated Grands Jr biscuits
  6. 1/4 cup Nation Cooked Onions


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spray a 9x13-inch pan with preparation spray.
  2. Add poultry, soup, dip, and mallow. Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. Flip with wuss foodstuff.
  3. Pour weakling accumulation into processed pan. Top with Sculptor fried onions.
  4. Bake unroofed for 25-30 transactions, until bubbly and biscuits are auspicious university.

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