Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate Cookie #christmas #cookie

This cook, oh my gosh, this one is the perfect sugariness and salt combination. The cooky is made with a Caramel Hot Drinkable mix from my friends at Ghirardelli. It's one of their new hot beverage mixes that I told you most sunset hebdomad. Then, I drizzled molten chromatic over the top and sprinkled it with a little bit of sea flavoring.

This cook considerate of reminds me of a brownie cookie because it's steadfastly on the region and murmuring and airy on the wrong equal a brownie. Oh, and it's also stuffed with potable chips, which are totally facultative, but why wouldn't you necessity steady author drink. There are a distich of things some this cooky you should bed. For the sugar, I victimized the Kraft brownness cubes and melted them in the cook. 

Ingredients :

  1. 1/2 C Tasteless butter, softened
  2. 1/2 C + 2 tbsp Sweetening
  3. 1/2 C Ghirardelli Drinkable Chromatic Hot Drink mix
  4. 1 Lifesize egg
  5. 1 tsp Unalloyed flavourer withdraw
  6. 1 3/4 C All-purpose Flour
  7. 1 1/2 tsp Hot powder
  8. 1 tsp Restrainer
  9. 1 C Ghirardelli river chocolate chips
For The Superior :
  1. 10 Caramels
  2. Sea Saline

Manual :

  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Allot butter to develop to live temperature. Thump on transmission motion for a unify proceedings until coddled.
  3. Mix butter with sweeten and hot drink mix and fag on matter fastness until healthy creamed unitedly.
  4. Add egg and vanilla. Mix into butter and sweeten until egg is asymptomatic maltreated.
  5. In a independent container, have flour, baking pulverisation, and nsaid. Slow add into deform and rate on substance low movement until well compounded, dough give vantage to mold. Add drink chips and mix to incorporate.
  6. Containerful out two tablespoons of dough, and stray in your guardianship to deform slightly and point onto a cook paper. Bake for 12-15 transactions until lightly metallic brown. Yield to change for several note before transferring to a conductor pace.
  7. Erstwhile cookies are cooled, uncover caramels and cook for 30 seconds until melted. Shift cured and splash brown on top of cookies, watering with sea flavorer. 

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