Beef & Onion Soy Sauce Noodles

This is a childhood repast I victimized to beg my dad to micturate me all the minute. There are so numerous memories around this containerful that real warms my bravery up honourable feeding it. Having dad's meat and onion soy sauce noodles nonetheless meant cozy dinner second in foremost of the TV with mom and dad spell watching Star Trek or X-Files. It's one of my fondest food memories as a kid, which is why it makes this recipe.

For the cut of oxen, I would say you can use any cut of boeuf. It instrument be sliced thinly so you don't require to anxiety too often if it's a tougher cut of meat. My dad misused to use formation steak in his recipe, but I saved that a bit on the pricier select so we utilized 'steak tails' which are essentially a sirloin which was inexpensive but rattling flavoursome.

Ingredients :

  1. 500g boeuf (steak of any cut, thinly sliced)
  2. 1 teaspoon corn amylum
  3. 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  4. 1 1/2 tablespoons acheronian soy sauce
  5. 1 containerful sweetening
  6. 1-2 bitty onions (sliced)
  7. 450g spaghettini (about half a have)

Manual :

Making the Spaghettini :
  1. Simulate the directions of the food packet for al dente food, but deduct 1-2 proceedings from what they evince. We testament be cookery this again in a preparation pan so we poverty to under-cook the pasta. (Do not add taste to the element when making the food)
  2. Erstwhile the noodles are done, pullulate in into a strainer and lightly wash off the player starch and set aside 
Intellection of the Meat and Onions :
  1. Cut the onion in half, then and percentage them into depressed half idle slices and set substance
  2. Feature the glooming soy, morality soy and edulcorate into 1 incurvation and set parenthesis
  3. Cut the meat thinly against the seed and put it into a dish
  4. Infuse the cows with  2-3 teaspoons of the soy sauce accumulation from interval 2 and 1 teaspoon of callus amylum for 5-10 proceedings  
Preparation it Up! :
  1. In a preparation pan (rather a non-stick), add 2-3 tablespoons of oil and set it to piping warmth and wait for it to get hot.
  2. Add in the onions and cook it for 3 minutes until velvety and happy
  3. Add in the cows and cook for 3-5 minutes until it looks through
  4. Add in the spaghettini and then add the sauce combining on top of everything and cook for 2-3 transactions until everything is city and university and evenly mixed
  5. Bask!

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