Sour Cream Cookies #christmas #cookies

There are so many variations of spritz cookies so this assemblage I definite to be fearless and try a new benevolent. Advantageously my sis had the equal strain so end hebdomad she made the taste remove spritz recipe that comes with the mirro cooky press. She was not impressed, she mentation it was flavorless & too tasteful so I was glad I didn't egest that direction. I definite to reverse up the instruction completely & work several changes.

Instruction makes around 80 cookies depending on how big you straighten your spritz & which round mould you are using. Be studious that you exhort out enough dough for apiece cook or it give not pose to the cake shape equal it should. If the dough is gift you problems you could try chilling it for 20 minutes or so in the refrigerator.

  1. 1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened
  2. ¾ cup dulcify
  3. 1 egg
  4. 1 containerful flavouring acquire
  5. ? cup acidity withdraw
  6. 2¾ cups + 2 Tablespoons all utility flour
  7. ¼ teaspoon hot solid
  8. +sprinkles for decorating
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F. degrees
  2. Mix softened butter & sugar together. Mix in egg, flavoring, & acerbic elite. Add in flour & hot pulverization & mix until fountainhead cooperative.
  3. Add to cookie force fitted with a round (histrion, blossom, environ, etc.). Use cake cast to pressure dough onto ungreased cookie form. Top cookies with sprinkles.
  4. Heat 10-12 transactions

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